Legality rating

Legality rating



On August 07th 2024 , Laica SpA has obtained the release from AGCM Authority of the so-called ‘legality rating’.

The legality rating is a synthetic indicator of compliance to the highest standards in terms of governance and legality by companies that have applied for it.

The legality rating is a tool initially introduced in 2012 for the Italian companies, in order to promote and introduce principles of ethical behaviour in the business environment, by assigning a “recognition” indicative of compliance by companies that have applied for it. More generally, the rating resumes the degree of attention paid by Company to the proper management of the business. The release of such rating allows some advantages in granting public funding and facilitating access to bank credit as well as a prestigious public standing.

 The award takes the form of a score expressed in “stars” from one to three .

The process has included the examination by the committee of the competent authority of a wide series of business processes and procedures, which include -just by way of example- the absence of pending criminal charges for the Directors, the absence of administrative infringements, the existence of procedures that allow the traceability of payments even for amounts below those required by law, the adoption of a Code of Conduct, the adoption of an organisational and management model in accordance with the governance provisions set by Law 231/2001, as well as the adoption of processes aimed at guaranteeing forms of Corporate Social Responsibility such as ISO14001 and ISO45001 Certification.

Laica SpA has obtained the highest available score of 3 stars (★★★).

The rating will remain valid for two years and may be renewed.